It is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan and one of the largest cities located in the Caucasus region. The city is considered a scientific, cultural, industrial and commercial center in Azerbaijan. The city blends with a Western European cultrure and, on the other hand, an Eastern Islamic culture.
The territory of Azerbaijan is a unique region where there are a lot of mud volcanoes. More than 850 mud volcanoes on our planet are located in the Azerbaijan region, and Azerbaijan recorded the largest activity of the mud volcano in 2004 and thus entered the Encyclopedia of Guinness.
It is a historical museum founded in 1976 in Baku, the museum consists of two parts: the ethnography part or ethnographic materials and dates back to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The section reflects the historical culture of ancient countries, the archaeological section and archaeological discoveries, and all stages of the historical development of Azerbaijan. Everyday except Saturday and Sunday
The miniature book museum in the world is a collection of rare collections collected by Zarifa Salahova in the building for more than 20 years. It includes miniature books published after the Russian revolution and the former Soviet Union. Works every day except Thursday and Monday. Daily except Thursday and Monday
It is a museum interested in modern art and located in the city of Baku, the antique was created to house the best works of sculpture and painting in Azerbaijan since the second half of the twentieth century and until the present, the exhibition is a collection of paintings and sculptures that represent the searches for the freedom of the human soul and for Azerbaijani culture. Everyday except Monday
The National Museum of Art of Azerbaijan is the largest museum of art in the State of Azerbaijan with more than 17,000 paintings, and the museum is currently located in the «Historical Buildings» established in the nineteenth century in the Palais de Boone near the Mariansky Sports Club. Everyday except Monday